Communications scientifiques

Communications scientifiques 2021

Articles publiés

Groupes de travail

  • Cardoso R, Guo F, Heisser T, Hackl M, Ihle P, De Schutter H, Van Damme N, Valerianova Z, Atanasov T, Májek O, Mužík J, Nilbert MC, Tybjerg AJ, Innos K, Mägi M, Malila N, Bouvier AM, Bouvier V, Launoy G, Woronoff AS, et al. Colorectal cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distribution in European countries in the colorectal cancer screening era: an international population-based study. The Lancet. Published online May 25, 2021
  • Poiseuil M, Tron L, Woronoff AS, Trétarre B, Tienhan Dabakuyo-Yonli S, Fauvernier M, Roche L, Dejardin O, Molinié F, Launoy G, French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). How do age and social environment affect the dynamics of death hazard and survival in patients with breast or gynecological cancer in France? Int J Cancer. 2021 Sep 14. doi: 10.1002/ijc.33803. Online ahead of print.
  • Defossez G, Uhry Z, Delafosse P, Dantony E, d’Almeida T, Plouvier S, Bossard N, Bouvier AM, Molinié F, Woronoff AS, Colonna M, Grosclaude P, Remontet L, Monnereau A; French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Cancer incidence and mortality trends in France over 1990-2018 for solid tumors: the sex gap is narrowing. BMC Cancer. 2021 Jun 24;21(1):726. doi: 10.1186/s12885-021-08261-1. PMID: 34167516;
  • Boussari O, Bordes L, Romain G, Colonna M, Bossard N, Remontet L, Jooste V. Modeling excess hazard with time-to-cure as a parameter. Biometrics. 2021 Dec;77(4):1289-1302. doi: 10.1111/biom.13361. Epub 2020 Sep 12. PMID: 32869288.
  • Bouvier AM, Jooste V, Sanchez-Perez MJ, Bento MJ, Rocha Rodrigues J, Marcos-Gragera R, Carmona-Garcia MC, Luque-Fernandez MA, Minicozzi P, Bouvier V, Innos K, Sant M; Working Group on Colorectum. Differences in the management and survival of metastatic colorectal cancer in Europe. A population-based study. Dig Liver Dis. 2021 May;53(5):639-645. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2021.01.021. Epub 2021 Feb 24. PMID: 33637435.
  • Girardi F, Rous B, Stiller CA, Gatta G, Fersht N, Storm HH, Rodrigues JR, Herrmann C, Marcos-Gragera R, Peris-Bonet R, Valkov M, Weir HK, Woods RR, You H, Cueva PA, De P, Di Carlo V, Johannesen TB, Lima CA, Lynch CF, Coleman MP, Allemani C; CONCORD Working Group. The histology of brain tumors for 67 331 children and 671 085 adults diagnosed in 60 countries during 2000-2014: a global, population-based study (CONCORD-3). Neuro Oncol. 2021 Oct 1;23(10):1765-1776. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noab067. PMID: 33738488; PMCID: PMC8485444.
  • Mounier M, Romain G, Callanan M, Alla AD, Boussari O, Maynadié M, Colonna M, Jooste V. Flexible Modeling of Net Survival and Cure by AML Subtype and Age: A French Population-Based Study from FRANCIM. J Clin Med. 2021 Apr 13;10(8):1657. doi: 10.3390/jcm10081657. PMID: 33924506; PMCID:
  • Tron L, Fauvernier M, Bouvier AM, Robaszkiewicz M, Bouvier V, Cariou M, Jooste V, Dejardin O, Remontet L, Alves A, Francim Group, Molinié F, Launoy G. Socioeconomic Environment and Survival in Patients with Digestive Cancers: A French Population-Based Study. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Oct 14;13(20):5156. doi: 10.3390/cancers13205156. PMID: 34680305; PMCID: PMC8533795.

Communications orales

  • Laure Tron, Laurent Remontet, Mathieu Fauvernier, Bernard Rachet, Aurélien Belot, Ludivine Launay, Ophélie Merville, Florence Molinié, Olivier Dejardin, Guy Launoy, FRANCIM Network. What implications can be expected from lack of deprivation-specific life tables in France on the results of studies investigating the social gradient in cancer net survival? 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Patricia Delafosse, Emmanuelle Dantoni, Florence Molinié, Laurent Remontet, Camille De Brauer, Florence De Maria, Tania D’Almeida, Gautier Defossez, FRANCIM Network. Sex-specific trends in lung cancer incidence and survival over 1990-2018. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Krystaelle Derette, Joséphine Bryere-Théault, Guy Launoy. Evolution of socioeconomic inequalities in cancer incidence in France: a longitudinal study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Emmanuelle Dantony, Zoé Uhry, Mathieu Fauvernier, Laurent Roche, Gaëlle Coureau, Morgane Mounier, Brigitte Trétarre, Nadine Bossard, Laurent Remontet. Excess hazard models using multidimensional penalized splines: a novel methodology for the French cancer survival trends study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Morgane Mounier, Zoé Uhry, Alain Monnereau, Marc Maynadie, Xavier Troussard, Edouard Cornet, Sebastien Orazio, Camille De Brauer, Florence De Maria, Nadine Bossard, Brigitte Tretarre, Gaelle Coureau. Survie des hémopathies myéloïdes en France de 1989 à 2018 en population générale : Étude à partir des registres des cancers du réseau Francim – Société Française d’Hématologie- 9-11 septembre 2021 – Paris
  • AS Woronoff, Francim Network. Facteurs pronostiques de la survie des femmes atteintes d’un cancer du Col de l’utérus (CCU), étude à partir des registres de cancer français. Cancéropôle-Est Workshop du réseau Parcours de santé du Cancéropôle-Est sur le thème de l’après-cancer. 25 Mai 2021 Visioconférence.
  • AS Woronoff, ZC Compaoré, A Gérazime, E Monnet, F Molinié, AV Guizard, P Delafosse, TS Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, G Launoy, L Mansi, B Trétarre, Francim Network. Dans quelle mesure l’âge, le stade et le traitement influencent la survie des femmes ayant un cancer du col de l’utérus. Etude française en population (Francim). 13ème Journée de l’Association Francophone pour l’étude des Infections par les Papillomavirus et les Polyomavirus. 30 sept-1er oct 2021. Visioconférence.

Communications affichés

  • Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Zoéwendtalé Cyrille Compaoré, Brigitte Trétarre, Elisabeth Monnet, Aurélie Gérazime, Florence Molinié, Anne-Valérie Guizard, Tienhan Sandrine Dabakuyo-Yonli, Laura Mansi, Patricia Delafosse, Guy Launoy, FRANCIM Network. To what extent do age, stage and treatment influence survival after invasive cervical cancer: a French population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Laetitia Daubisse-Marliac, Gaëlle Coureau, Sandrine Plouvier, Zoe Uhry, Laurent Remontet, Lionel Lafay, Brigitte Trétarre, Pascale Grosclaude. Survival of bladder cancer in France, 1989-2018: Interpreting an adverse trend. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Annabelle Lapostolle, Pascal Guenel, Alain Monnereau, Sandrine Plouvier, Anne-Sophie Woronoff. Incidence of lung cancer by activity sector among employees: first re¬sults of a pilot study in France (2010-2014). 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Sandrine Plouvier, Emmanuelle Dantony, Michel Velten, Bénédicte Lapotre-Ledoux, Laurent Remontet, Anne-Valérie Guizard, Gautier Defossez, FRANCIM Network. National Estimates and Trends in Lip, Oral cavity and Pharyngeal cancers incidence by subsite in France over 1990-2018. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Pascale Grosclaude, Laetitia Daubisse-Marliac, FRANCIM Network. PSA levels at prostate cancer diagnosis in 2001 and 2008-2016 in France: a population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Alain Monnereau, Emmanuelle Dantony, Morgane Mounier, Marc Maynadié, Xavier Trou-ssard, Edouard Cornet, Sébastien Orazio, Lionel Lafay, Camille Lecoffre, Laurent Remontet, Brigitte Tretarre, Gaelle Coureau, FRANCIM Network. Is survival of major lymphoid malignancies subtypes still increasing in the French population? 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Annabelle Lapostolle, Pascal Guenel, Alain Monnereau, Sandrine Plouvier, Anne-Sophie Woronoff. Feasability of the implementation of a monitoring system of cancer incidence among employees in France. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Anne Cowppli-Bony, Stéphanie Ayrault-Piault, Solenne Delacour-Billon, Florence Molinie, FRANCIM Network. Compliance with clinical guidelines for breast cancer management in France. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Marie Poiseuil, Laure Tron, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Brigitte Trétarre, Tienhan-Sandrine Dabakuyo-Yonli, Mathieu Fauvernier, Laurent Roche, Olivier Dejardin, Florence Molinié, Guy Launoy. How does social environment affect survival in patients with breast or gynecological cancer in France? 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Anne-Marie Bouvier, Zoé Uhry, Véronique Bouvier, Melanie Cariou, Michel Robaszkiewicz, Laurent Remontet, Gaelle Coureau, Brigitte Tretarre. Long term colorectal cancer survival in France: a population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Joséphine Gardy, Zoé Uhry, Karima Hammas, Bénédicte Lapôtre-Ledoux, Simona Bara, Michel Velten, Nadine Bossard, Camille Lecoffre, Lionel Lafay, Gaëlle Coureau, Morgane Mounier, Brigitte Trétarre, Anne-Valérie Guizard, FRANCIM Network. Head and neck cancer survival in France, 1989-2018: a population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Morgane Mounier, Zoé Uhry, Alain Monnereau, Marc Maynadie, Xavier Troussard, Edouard Cornet, Sebastien Orazio, Camille De Brauer, Florence De Maria, Nadine Bossard, Brigitte Tretarre, Gaëlle Coureau, FRANCIM Network. Survival of myeloid malignancies in France from 1989 to 2018 in general population: what’s new? 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Karima Hammas, Emmanuelle Dantony, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Brigitte Trétarre, Gaelle Coureau, Morgane Mounier, Camille de Brauer, Florence De Maria, Laurent Remontet, Sandrine Plouvier, Anne-Valérie Guizard, FRANCIM Network. Cutaneous melanoma survival in France, 1989-2018: a population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Pascale Grosclaude, Zoé Uhry, Sandrine Plouvier, Tania D’Almeida, Laurent Remontet, Lionel Lafay, Brigitte Tretarre, Gaelle Coureau, Pascale Grosclaude, FRANCIM Network. Recent trends in prostate cancer survival in France: 1989-2018, a population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Coureau Gaelle, Emmanuelle Dantony, Morgane Mounier, Camille De Brauer, Florence De Maria, Florence Molinié, Laurent Remontet, Brigitte Trétarre, FRANCIM Network. Solid cancer survival in France, 1989-2018: a population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Brigitte Trétarre, Emmanuelle Dantony, Anne-Sophie Woronoff, Anne-Valérie Guizard, Karima Hammas, Florence Molinié, Nadine Bossard, Lionel Lafay, Camille Lecoffre, Gaelle Coureau, Morgane Mounier, FRANCIM Network. Gynecological cancer survival in France, 1989-2018: a population-based study. 45ème réunion annuelle du GRELL. 12-14 mai 2021, Luxembourg.
  • Trétarre, E. Dantony, M. Mounier, C. de Brauer, F. de Maria, F. Molinié, L. Remontet, G. Coureau and French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Solid cancer survival in France, 1989-2018- a population-based study from cancer registry. ENCR scientific meeting- 16-18 novembre 2021- Virtual event.
  • Monnereau ; E. Dantony; M. Mounier; X. Troussard; M. Maynadié; E. Cornet; S. Orazio ; L. Lafay; C. Lecoffre ; L. Remontet; G. Coureau; B. Trétarre for French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Is survival of major lymphoid malignancies subtype still increasing in the French population? ENCR scientific meeting- 16-18 novembre 2021- Virtual event.
  • Coureau Gaelle, Emmanuelle Dantony, Morgane Mounier, Camille De Brauer, Florence De Maria, Florence Molinié, Laurent Remontet, Brigitte Trétarre, AND French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Étude à partir des registres des cancers du réseau Francim: évolution de la survie des personnes atteintes de cancer en France métropolitaine 1989-2018 (Tumeurs solides). 17èmes journées Cancéropôle Grand-Sud-Ouest- 17-19 novembre 2021- Carcassonne.
  • Tretarre; Z. Uhry; A. Monnereau; M. Maynadie; X. Troussard; E. Cornet ; S. Orazio; C. De Brauer  ; F. De Maria  ; N. Bossard  ; G. Coureau; M. Mounier  AND French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Evolution de la survie des hémopathies malignes en France de 1989 à 2018 en population générale : Étude à partir des registres des cancers du réseau Francim. 17èmes journées Cancéropôle Grand-Sud-Ouest- 17-19 novembre 2021- Carcassonne- Poster
  • Brigitte Trétarre, Emmanuelle Dantony, Morgane Mounier, Camille De Brauer, Florence De Maria, Florence Molinié, Laurent Remontet, Coureau Gaelle, AND French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Étude à partir des registres des cancers du réseau Francim: évolution de la survie des personnes atteintes de cancer en France métropolitaine 1989-2018 (Tumeurs solides). 11ème congrès national des réseaux de cancérologie- Montpellier- 23-24 septembre 2021- Poster
  • Tretarre; Z. Uhry; A. Monnereau ; M. Maynadie; X. Troussard; E. Cornet; S. Orazio; C. De Brauer; F. De Maria ; N. Bossard; G. Coureau; M. Mounier; AND French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Evolution de la survie des hémopathies malignes en France de 1989 à 2018 en population générale : Étude à partir des registres des cancers du réseau Francim. 11ème congrès national des réseaux de cancérologie- Montpellier- 23-24 septembre 2021- Poster

Communications scientifiques 2020

Articles publiés

Groupes de travail

  • Amadeo B, Penel N, Coindre J-M, Ray-Coquard I, Ligier K, Delafosse P, et al. Incidence and time trends of sarcoma (2000-2013): results from the French network of cancer registries (FRANCIM). BMC Cancer. 6 mars 2020;20(1):190.
  • Ao Cyril Kudjawu, Christine Le Bihan-Benjamin, Cécile Brouard, Stéphanie Leclerc, Annick Cohen-Akenine, Hélène Fontaine, Laetitia Daubisse-Marliac, Anne-Marie Bouvier, Anne Gallay, Florence de Maria. Fréquence des facteurs de risques de carcinome hépatocellulaire en france en 2017 : étude à partir de l’appariement des informations du système national de données de sante. BEH 31-32. 24 nov 2020;639 48.
  • Boussari O, Bordes L, Romain G, Colonna M, Bossard N, Remontet L, Jooste V. Modeling excess hazard with time-to-cure as a parameter. Biometrics. 2020 Aug 31. Epub ahead of print.
  • Colonna M, Borso-Chazot F, Delafosse P, Schvartz C, Guizars AV, FRANCIM network. Progression of incidence and estimate of net survival from papillary thyroid cancers diagnosed between 2008 and 2016 in France. Ann Endocrinol (Paris). déc 2020;530-538.
  • Uhry Z, Chatignoux E, Dantony E, Colonna M, Roche L, Fauvernier M, et al. Multidimensional penalized splines for incidence and mortality-trend analyses and validation of national cancer-incidence estimates. Int J Epidemiol. 24 août 2020;
  • Xiao D, Guizard A, Daubisse‐Marliac L, Woronoff A, Trétarre B, Delafosse P, et al. Evaluation of long‐term living conditions in patients treated for localised prostate cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care [Internet]. 24 sept 2020 ; 1-12.
  • Barul C, Matrat M, Auguste A, Dugas J, Radoï L, Menvielle G, et al. Welding and the risk of head and neck cancer: the ICARE study. Occup Environ Med. mai 2020;77(5):293 300.
  • Bielska-Lasota, M, Rossi S, Krzyżak M, Haelens A, Domenic A, De Angelis R, Maciejczyk A, Rodríguez-Barranco M, Zadnik V, Minicozzi P; EUROCARE-5 Working Group. Reasons for low cervical cancer survival in new accession European Union countries: a EUROCARE-5 study. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2020 Feb;301(2):591-602.
  • Dal Maso L; Panato C; Tavilla A; Guzzinati S; Serraino D; Mallone S; Botta L; Boussari O; Capocaccia R; Colonna M; Crocetti E; Dumas A; Dyba T; Franceschi S; Gatta G; Gigli A; Giusti F; Jooste V; Minicozzi P; Neamtiu L; Romain G; Zorzi M; De Angelis R; Francisci S; EUROCARE-5 Working Group. Cancer cure for 32 cancer types: results from the EUROCARE-5 study. Int J Epidemiol. 2020 Sep 28; Publisher: Oxford University Press; PMID: 32984907.
  • Botta L, Gatta G, Trama A, Bernasconi A, Sharon E, Capocaccia R, Marjotto AG, RARECAREnet Working Group. Incidence and Survival of Rare Cancers in the US and Europe. Cancer Medicine. 2020;00: 1-11
  • Gianni Virgili, Mariacristina Parravano, Gemma Gatta, Riccardo Capocaccia, Cinzia Mazzini, Sandra Mallone, Laura Botta, for the RARECAREnet Working Group. Incidence and Survival of Patients With Conjunctival Melanoma in Europe. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020;138(6):601-608.
  • Locati L, Cavalieri S, Dal Maso L, Busco S, Anderson LA, Botta L, Bento MJ, Carulla M, Chirlaque López MD, Fusco M, Guevara M, Innos K, Børge Johannesen T, Micallef R, Minicozzi P, Panato C, Petrova D, Rubio-Casadevall J, Smailyte G, Francesca Vitale M, Trama A; RARECAREnet Working Group. Rare thyroid malignancies in Europe: Data from the information network on rare cancers in Europe (RARECAREnet). Oral Oncol. 2020 Sep;108:104766.
  • Stiller C. A., Botta L, Sanchez Perez M. J., Chirlaque Lopez M. D., Marcos-Gragera R., Scuderi T., Huws D.W., Trama A., the RARECARENet WG. Kaposi sarcoma incidence, survival and trends: Data from the information network on rare cancers in Europe (RARECAREnet). Cancer Epidemiol 70 (2021).
  • Sant M, Meneghini E, Bastos J, Giorgi Rossi P, Guevara M, Innos K, Katalinic A, Gi Majuelo L, Gragera R M, Molinié F, Rapiti E, Vizcaino A, Zadnik V, Minicozzi P, the European High Resolution Working Group on breast cancer. Endocrine treatment and incidence of relapse in women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer in Europe: a population based study. Breast Cancer Res Treat 183, 439–450 (2020).
  • Nakata K, Colombet M, Stiller CA, Pritchard-Jones K, Steliarova-Foucher E; IICC-3 Contributors. Incidence of childhood renal tumours: An international population‐based study. Int J Cancer. 2020 Dec 15;147(12):3313-3327.

Communications scientifiques 2019

Articles publiés

Groupes de travail

  • Bouvier A-M, Robaszkiewicz M, Jooste V, Cariou M, Drouillard A, Bouvier V, et al. Trends in incidence of small bowel cancer according to histology: a population-based study. J Gastroenterol. 19 oct 2019;
  • Bryere J, Tron L, Menvielle G, Launoy G, French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). The respective parts of incidence and lethality in socioeconomic differences in cancer mortality. An analysis of the French network Cancer registries (FRANCIM) data. Int J Equity Health. 03 2019;18(1):189.
  • Cowppli-Bony A, Colonna M, Ligier K, Jooste V, Defossez G, Monnereau A, Amadeo B, et al. Epidémiologie descriptive des cancers en France métropolitaine: incidence, survie et prévalence. Bull Cancer. mars 2019;(106):617 34.
  • Grabar S, Hleyhel M, Belot A, Bouvier A-M, Tattevin P, Pacanowski J, et al. Invasive cervical cancer in HIV-infected women: risk and survival relative to those of the general population in France. Results from the French Hospital Database on HIV (FHDH)-Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA et les Hépatites Virales (ANRS) CO4 cohort study. HIV Med. mars 2019;20(3):222 9.
  • Hamers F, Woronoff AS, Réseau français des registres de cancers Francim. Cervical cancer in France: incidence and mortality trends until 2018. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2019;(22-23):410-6.
  • Jooste V, Bouvier A-M, Bossard N, Uhry Z, Coureau G, Remontet L, et al. Trends in probabilities of death owing to cancer and owing to other causes in patients with colon cancer. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;31(5):570 6.
  • Lamy S, Molinié F, Daubisse-Marliac L, Cowppli-Bony A, Ayrault-Piault S, Fournier E, et al. Using ecological socioeconomic position (SEP) measures to deal with sample bias introduced by incomplete individual-level measures: inequalities in breast cancer stage at diagnosis as an example. BMC Public Health. 2 juill 2019;19(1):857.
  • Le Stang N, Bouvier V, Glehen O, Villeneuve L, FRANCIM network, MESOPATH Referent National Center, et al. Incidence and survival of peritoneal malignant mesothelioma between 1989 and 2015: A population-based study. Cancer Epidemiol. 2019;60:106 11.
  • Le Stang N,Bouvier V,Glehen O,Villeneuve L,Galateau-Sallé F,Clin B,FRANCIM network,. Incidence and survival of peritoneal malignant mesothelioma between 1989 and 2015: A population-based study. Cancer Epidemiol. juin 2019;60:106 11.
  • Romain G,Boussari O,Bossard N,Remontet L,Bouvier AM,Mounier M,Iwaz J,Colonna M,Jooste V,French network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). Time-to-cure and cure proportion in solid cancers in France. A population based study. Cancer Epidemiol. juin 2019;60:93 101.
  • Tron L, Belot A, Fauvernier M, Remontet L, Bossard N, Launay L, et al. Socioeconomic environment and disparities in cancer survival for 19 solid tumor sites: An analysis of the French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM) data. Int J Cancer. 15 mars 2019;144(6):1262 74.
  • Woronoff A-S, Molinié F, Trétarre B. [Implementation of National Cervical Cancer Screening Program in France]. Bull Cancer. 8 janv 2019;
  • Piel C, Pouchieu C, Carles C, Béziat B, , Boulanger M, Bureau M, Busson A, Grüber A, Lecluse Y, Migault L, Renier M, Rondeau V, Schwall X, Tual S; AGRICAN group, Lebailly P, Baldi I. Agricultural exposures to carbamate herbicides and fungicides and central nervous system tumour incidence in the cohort AGRICAN. Environ Int. 2019 Sep;130:104876. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.05.070. Epub 2019 Jul 22. PMID: 31344646
  • Piel C, Pouchieu C, Migault L, Béziat B, Boulanger M, Bureau M, Carles C, Grüber A, Lecluse Y, Rondeau V, Schwall X, Tual S, Lebailly P, Baldi I; AGRICAN group. Increased risk of central nervous system tumours with carbamate insecticide use in the prospective cohort AGRICAN. Int J Epidemiol Int J Epidemiol. 2019 Apr 1;48(2):512-526. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy246. PMID: 30476073
  • Tual S, Busson A, Boulanger M, Renier M, Piel C, Pouchieu C, et al. Occupational exposure to pesticides and multiple myeloma in the AGRICAN cohort. Cancer Causes Control. 1 nov 2019;30(11):1243 50.
ICARE 2019
  • Barul C, Carton M, Radoï L, Menvielle G, Pilorget C, Bara S, Stücker I, Luce D,ICARE study Group. Survival of patients with cancer starting chronic dialysis: Data from kidney and cancer registries in lower Normandy. Nephrology (Carlton). 2019;23(12):1125 30.
  • Barul C, Carton M, Radoï L, Menvielle G, Pilorget C, Woronoff AS, Stücker I, Luce D; ICARE study group. Occupational exposure to petroleum-based and oxygenated solvents and oral and oropharyngeal cancer risk in men: A population-based case-control study in France. Cancer Epidemiol. 2019 Jan 15;59:22-28. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2019.01.005. Epub 2019 Jan 15.
  • Radoï L, Sylla F, Matrat M, Barul C, Menvielle G, Delafosse P, et al. Head and neck cancer and occupational exposure to leather dust: results from the ICARE study, a French case-control study. Environ Health. 29 2019;18(1):27.
  • Gatta G, Trama A, Capocaccia R, RARECARE Working Group. Epidemiology of Rare Cancers and Inequalities in Oncologic Outcomes. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2019;P3-11.
  • Imbimbo M, Maury JM, Garassino M, Girard N; RARECAREnet Working Group. Mesothelioma and thymic tumors: Treatment challenges in (outside) a network setting. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019;45(1):75 80.
  • Lykoudis PM, Partelli S, Muffatti F, Caplin M, Falconi M, Fusai GK, RARECARE Working Hroup. Treatment challenges in and outside a specialist network setting: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019;45(1):46 51.
  • Nicolai N, Biasoni D, Catanzaro MA, Colecchia M, Trama A, RARECAREnet Working Group. Testicular germ-cell tumours and penile squamous cell carcinoma: Appropriate management makes the difference. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019;45(1):60 6.
  • Orlandi E, Alfieri S, Simon C, Trama A, Licitra L, RARECAREnet Working Group. Treatment challenges in and outside a network setting: Head and neck cancers. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019;45(1):40 5.
  • Pasquali S, Bonvalot S, Tzanis D, Casali PG, Trama A, Gronchi A,RARECARE Working Group. Treatment Challenges in and Outside a Network Setting: Soft Tissue Sarcomas. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2019;31 9.
  • Ray-Coquard I, Trama A, Seckl M.J., Fotopoulou C, Pautier P, Pignata S, Kristensen G,Mangili G, Falconer H, Massuger L, Sehouli J, Pujade E, Lorusso D, Amant F, Rokklones E, Vergote I, ledermann JA, RARECARE Working Group. Rare ovarian tumours: Epidemiology, treatment challenges in and outside a network setting. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2019;45(1):67 74.
  • Trama A, Bernasconi A, McCabe MG, Guevara M, Gatta G, Botta L; RARECAREnet Working Group, Ries L, Bleyer A. Is the cancer survival improvement in European and American adolescent and young adults still lagging behind that in children? Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2019 Jan;66(1):e27407. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27407. Epub 2018 Aug 19. Review. PMID: 30124231.

Communications orales

  • Molinié F et le réseau Francim. Évolution de l’incidence et de la mortalité des cancers du sein : que nous réserve l’avenir? 41èmes Journées de la SFSPM, Marseille (France), 6-8 novembre 2019. (CO)

Communications affichés

  • Cowppli-Bony A, Ayrault-Piault S , Molinié F, le réseau des registres de cancers FRANCIM. Évaluation de l’adhésion aux recommandations dans la prise en charge des cancers du sein en France à l’aide d’indicateurs qualité européens : étude en population générale. 10ème Congrès national des réseaux de cancérologie, Rennes (France), 3-4 octobre 2019.
  • Defossez G,Le guyader-Peyrou S,Uhry Z,Grosclaude P,Colonna M,Remontet L,Monnereau A,French Network of cancer Registries FRANCIM. French National Trends in Cancer Incidence Introducing Stratification by Age, Anatomical Site and Histological Subtypes. In Lisbonne; 2019. p. 0_18.
  • Delafosse P,Molinie F,Daubisse L,Tretarre B,Cowppli-Bony A,lapôtre B,Monnereau A. Quality Approach Within the French Network of Cancer Registries (FRANCIM). In Lisbonne; 2019. p. P_13.
  • Lamy S,Lepage B,delpierre C,Grosclaude P,FRANCIM network. Does Comorbidity Influence Prostate Cancer Patients’ Survival Differently According to Risk Grouping? In Lisbonne; 2019. p. P_12.
  • Mounie M,Grosclaude P,Lamy S,FRANCIM network. Are Comorbidities Collected by Cancer Registries Reliably Traceable in Administrative Insurance Databases? In Lisbonne; 2019. p. P_09.
  • Uhry Z,Chatignoux E,Dantony E,Colonna M,Defossez G,Le Guyader-Peyrou S,Monnereau A,Grosclaude P,Bossard N,Remontet L,French network of cancer registries (Francim). Validation of National Cancer Incidence Trends in France Estimated from Local Registries. In Lisbonne; 2019. p. 0_17.

Communications scientifiques 2018

Communications scientifiques 2017